
  •  Hind Leg of Deer
  •  Worschestershire Sauce or Soy Sauce
  •  Steak Seasoning


Take the hind leg of deer and remove the shank. Seperate the leg into four seperate muscles. The largest muscle of the four is called the top round, the second largest is the bottom round, the long thin muscle is the eye of the round and the remaining muscle is part of the shank and should be used for stew meat or ground.

The bottom round and the eye of the round make excellent roast, as does the top round. The top round may be cut into steaks called London Broil.

Remove all the fat and sinew from the top round. When the fat is removed it will be very clear which way the grain of the meat is running. You always want to cut against the grain of the meat. Starting at the thick end of the meat, cut London Broil 1 - 1 1/4" thick.

Place London Broil on cutting board and tenderize with a hand tenderizer. Baste London Broil lightly with Worschestershire sauce or soy sauce. Sprinkle on your favorite steak seasoning. Try Backwoods Hickory Jerky seasoning. Broil steak to medium darkness (pink inside). Remove and serve with baked potatoe and your favorite vegetable.

Do not overcook. It is best to eat London Broil as rare as you can tolerate it.